Sunday, October 8, 2023

Easy Tomato Soup

  • 30 oz. Vegetable Stock
  • 28 oz. Crushed Tomatoes
  • 1 cup Heavy cream (or a dairy-free substitute for GFCF)
  • salt, to taste
  • black pepper, tot taste
  • 20 fresh Basil leaves

Cooking Instructions

  1. Combine broth and tomatoes and about half of the basil leaves, if using, in a medium saucepan over moderate heat. 
  2. If you want a smooth soup, once soup bubbles, transfer to a blender or food processor and blend until smooth. Return to pan. If you want a chunky tomato soup, you can skip this step.
  3. Stir in heavy cream and reduce heat to low. Season with a little salt and pepper and simmer gently 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. 
  4. Serve with the remaining basil leaves, whole or finely chopped, on top.

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